What is the difference between outputs and outcomes? Where should I focus? Take a listen and find out our thoughts.
How do I know if I am getting return on investment when I hire a vendor or consultant? This is one we hear a lot. Look back at our posts about top three complaints from potential clients. In fact, we have heard it so often that we have created a new program on this very topic. You can check out our 7 steps in the Agility for All featured posts as well and go to https://buff.ly/3Juesw5 to learn more about all of our programs. Just because you don't know how to build a product doesn't mean you give up ownership of the results and how the work is conducted.
What do we get if we do an agile transformation? Short answer probably nothing if that is how you are looking at it. BUT take a listen to today's post to find out what our answer is on this hot topic question. Guess what...it has to do with culture change and delivering value
How do I choose an agile framework? Well you know what we will say - know your why before you what but today Elvin talks a bit about what to consider when making a decision with your organization. Subtitles available as he gives a lot of information in a short time (because I don't let them record more than 2 min of information for these posts)
How do we create a culture of innovation? What can we do to encourage innovation? It always comes down to culture and the space that we create for our teams. Innovation sometimes just happens but more often than not, it is because it is encouraged and there is a space for it to develop.
Why is it so important to set KPIs and OKRs in Agile? Setting KPIs, which is Key Performance Indicators, and OKRs: Objectives and Key Results in Agile is important for a number of reasons that we cover in this episode of Wednesday Wisdom
Should we use squads and follow the model of big companies using agile frameworks? Short answer is no, not because someone else is doing it.
So what is a T-shaped team? Why is it important? What should you know about it? Today Elvin Assiam gives us his first recording in Wednesday Wisdom.
Is a retrospective absolutely needed? Do we have to do it? Why?
What happens if your teams are clear on purpose, alignment and context and are working together from day one as a high-performing team that shares the same values and goals?
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